Cloth Diapering

Polyester = Synthetic?

Dumb quesiton: So I checked the FAQ's on this page to learn how to prep our new CDs, but I'm unsure if DD's dipes (polyester BG 4.0s) are considered natural or synthetic. So which is it?


BFP #1 6/3/10 | EDD 2/5/11 | Noelle born 1/28/11
BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11
BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d)
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