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tethered cord syndrome/spina bifida occulta?

Hi ladies! I was wondering if anyone has experience with tethered cord syndrome or spina bifida occulta?? My DD was just diagnosed with TCS after months and months of appts and tests.

The conus of her cord is at L3/L4 and she has both a thickened and fatty filium terminale. Surgery is going to be in several weeks. She has a urodynamic nerve study of her bladder scheduled for March 8th, a consult with an orthopedic on March 7th and a 2nd opinion appt with a different neurosurgeon the following week. If your LO has this and you have any info to share about your experience, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC since Dec '04 Severe MFI-diagnosed 12/06 3 failed Fresh IVFs FET #1 - BFP!! 2 blasts tx on day 6. Beta #1 8dp6dt = 56, Beta #2 = 600, Beta #3 = 5600 My Blog Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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