Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Why does my kid store food in his cheeks like a chipmunk?!?!

It's hilarious. And you can watch him do it. I'll put a piece of something in his mouth, his little tongue pops up and just smushes it over to the side. And then he opens his mouth for more. WTH?!?! Why isn't he actually eating his food??

Last night, I was giving him a bath (about 45 minutes after his dinner) and two little peas just popped outta the side of his mouth. 


We're having the same issue with the sippy cup. He knows he can suck & get something out of it...but he just lets it fall out his mouth & down his chin. He doesn't think "ooh, refreshing!! I should swallow this!"

Anyone else? 

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