Cloth Diapering


So DS had a yeast rash about 6 weeks back.  I bleached and stripped dipes and it went away.  He now keeps getting rashes but I think maybe it is ammonia burn (thank you for whoever pointed that out!).  I was using Crunchy Clean (for hardwater which I dont have but bought by accident) and was using less than 1 tbsp because everything says use 1/2 of the recommended detergent.  The reason I think this is because I cleared it up and then when he woke up this morning there was a burn your nose ammonia smell and he was all red and warm.  Then he pooped twice at daycare and made it worse.  I was using Nyastin because I thought it was yeast but switched back to CA Baby.  I figure if that clears him its prob not yeast.

I just got some RnG so I put DS in sposies while this rash clears up and I am doing a soak of every single dipe and accessory overnight.  Do you think this will help?? 

Should I use 2 tbsp as recommended or half that for regular laundering??

I have mostly Elementals with about 6 fitteds that we just use for night with wool.

Former name = GLUCA IVF #4 DS 11/28/09 Lilypie Second Birthday tickers TTC#2 IVF#3 ER 2/9/11 ET 2/12/11 Beta 1 12dp3dt 51; Beta 2 16dp3dt 449; Beta 3 19dp3dt 1406; Beta 4 23dp3dt 4115; U/S 3/15/11 6w6d HB 135 EDD 11/2/11!!! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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