Special Needs

Dropping services (being dropped actually)

Hi Ladies,

 I was MIA and I missed you all so much!!

I am back, and with a question :) DS had a Vineland evaluation and HAWAII evaluation (used by ECI). ECI was providing 10 hours of ABA a week (I fought for this like you do not want to hear). So he came up 'almost' mornal on the ECI evalaution, and they are decreasing hours to 2 a week.

On one hand, I am livid, because I know he needs his 20 hours (he is getting 10 more privately), but on the other, the ECI therapists were honest and told me they do not know how to work with him. He is at his age level for speech, fine, gross motor, cognitive, etc. He is not social, but he plays age appropriately.

I am keeping his private ABA, but now I am torn. How do I know if he needs more ABA or if I should let him experience day care with other kids? Should I try this for a few hours a week for his social skills?


And just to let you know, you offer so much love and support on this board, and I am very grateful for having you guys!

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