Special Needs


  I am just so frustrated and discouraged. My friend was over yesterday and Ben had a total melt-down. It was a classic example of his perplexing behavior. He was excited for her to get there. He brought out a bunch of toys to show her and was really animated in his interactions with her. Then he started to get really hyper; jumping around, yelling, being really silly. I encouraged him to go jump on the bed with his sister and he then became really anxious and whiney because I wouldn't come with him. He refused to jump on the bed and asked for a snack.

 He asked for a waffle with butter, syrup AND jelly. Usually it's either syrup OR jelly, not both. I asked him several times to be sure he wanted both. He kept affirming he did. Once it was ready, he saw that it had jelly, too, and just lost it. Insta-hot mess. Crying, hysterical, really upset by my friend making eye-contact with him. He kept demanding that we leave him alone but getting upset once we stopped paying attention to his behavior. This carried on for about 20 minutes. Then he saw my friend interacting with my two daughters and he laughed and joined in like nothing happened.  Any idea what the heck we're dealing with here?

Saw neurologist last week   He asked a few abrupt questions, cutting me off before I finished explaining. He was pretty rude and had terrible bedside manner with Ben. After brushing off all my concerns he said he didn't think it was ASD because Ben's social, just socially-challenged. He didn't think Asperger's because Ben's language-skills are below-average.  All he really told me was to have him evaluated by the school district and a neuropsychologist. Basically, we spent 35 minutes and a $35 co-pay to have him tell me nothing new and just reiterate what everyone else has told us. So, yeah. Back to square-one. Awesome. 



Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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