North Carolina Babies

Free CFA this weekend in Wake Forest

 I got this in my blog reader today... not sure I'll make it all the way out to WF, but thought some of you who live there might be interested!


The North Carolina School of Science and Math is trying to break the world record for the largest food drive, and you can help.

Bring at least three cans of food to the Chick-fil-A restaurant at 11730 Retail Drive in Wake Forest and you'll get a free Chick-fil-A chicken biscuit or spicy chicken biscuit between 6 and 10:30 a.m., or a free Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich or spicy chicken sandwich between 10:30 a.m. and 10 p.m.

The offer is good at this one location only on Friday, Feb. 25 and Saturday, Feb. 26.

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