Special Needs

Evaluation update. (no diagnosis yet)

So, DD1 had her evaluation with a clinical psych (referred by Children's) on Tuesday. DH really wanted to be the one to take her (well, we both did, but somebody had to stay home with DD2!) and so he took off work and went with her. 

They did most of the necessary testing over the course of the morning, DH said she handled it really well, and he came out of it feeling very positive. Most of Tuesday's stuff was cognitive and motor, from what he said. Then they had lunch together and he let her pick out some cupcakes from a little shop nearby. :)

They are finishing up with the ADOS test on this coming Tuesday, and I asked him to take her to that as well. In looking up a bit about the test, I think that's the one where her differences and struggles are really going to be apparent b/c it focuses on social/imaginative skills. I don't want to be PA about it, but I feel like I really need him to understand how atypical she is in this area and just how much help she's going to need. So I'm glad he's taking her. 

We've started doing some one-on-one playdates regularly with another little girl and her mom, and it's painfully obvious to me that DD1 is just on a different plane. This little friend tries so hard to connect with DD1 and so often gets ignored. On the up side, I feel like DD1 is connecting and interacting more and more with DD2 and really enjoying it. It's mostly non-verbal interaction -- usually it's her trying to get DD2 to giggle, and trading toys back and forth -- but they both get a huge kick out of it and it's adorable. 

Then we have our district evaluation for services next Friday. I'm taking DD1 to that one, so I don't miss out on all the eval fun. :P  

So, yeah, that's where we are right now. Still in progress, but a lot is happening! 


DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
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