Special Needs

Update on the Cupcake's EarlySteps appt.

Sorry I haven't really posted anything since the referral was sent off.. there really hasn't been anything to update on.

My husband met with the case handler earlier this month & decided based on the interview with him & that the initial testing that indicated Imogen had a 0 for communication & a 3 for personal/social, Imogen was eligible to move on to the next step (mixed emotions came with that).

We got another in-home appointment, but this time it was for some play/testing with Imogen & a very lovely lady that my husband chose as our case worker & everything seemed to be okay. She managed to catch Imogen on a "good" day so there weren't any breakdowns or screaming. 

Well, she called yesterday to tell my husband that she is recommending that we put Imogen into ST & OT twice a month. They are coming over on 3/4 to discuss her testing with me.

I really don't know what to expect from OT, ST or this upcoming meeting. Does anyone know what happens on the 3rd visit? Will I have to pick a therapist? Will Imogen get a diagnosis? What is OT for a 17 month old exactly? 

I'm so confused. & a little scared. 

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