Cloth Diapering

Is this wool fail?

DD woke up to slight dampness on her sleep sack, which I know your wool can feel damp sometimes and be fine. It was damp enough that the color of the MS soaker bled on to the sack. Her MS overnight fitted was wet. Do I need a more absorbent fitted?

Also, is knit ok for night time or would a different type work better?

BFP #1: MC at 6w2d 11/24/09 BFP #2: 4/8/10-DD born 12/15/10 BFP #3: MC/CP? 2/5/12 ~4w BFP #4: Eptopic-Laparoscopy & D&C 4/16/12 ~6w BFP #5: 6/19/12 Due 3/5/13 Pregnancy Ticker
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