March 2011 Moms

Had to see the dr yesterday

Yesterday afternoon during our professional development, I suddenly started feeling very light-headed and hot.  I went and laid down in the office sick room but my heart was pounding and my head started hurting.  The office ladies called our school doctor who took my BP and said it was No.  Yes, those were his exact words.  I wasn't sure if he meant it was 'low' or 'bad' so I called my doctor and went to see him.

My pulse was high but my BP was fine.  He went ahead and did an ultrasound, measured my water and the baby's growth and then did an internal.  I asked if I was dilated and he said no but that he could feel the baby's head (that really weirded DH out!).  I don't know if he knows the word dilated- I don't see how I could not be dilated at all at 38/39 weeks, but I guess it's possible.  

Rory was fine and I felt better after I left.  But he seems to think that it's not going to be happening anytime soon.  He said if I haven't had any contractions by my original due date- March 8- he was going to 'provoke' her (induce).  

I don't know if I can make it that long!!  I was hoping for a March 1st baby...


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