Single Parents

new here..advice needed

Hi. I am currently going through a divorce, and I have a 8 month old son.  I have moved with my son back into my parents house.  They are really great, and help out more than I can even explain.  The problem is that I am feeling trapped, like I will never be able to go out on my own with my son.  Right now, he does not have a bedroom, his crib is in the living room.  It is ok, but I do not want that forever.  I want to be able to give him a bedroom and have us have our own place.  I am very depressed thinking about this, because with my salary, I do not know how I would be able to afford this.  I make an ok amount of money, but a two bedroom apartment in my area would be at the least $1200 a month, which is half of my monthly income. 

I guess I am just looking for some encouraging stories so that I know it can happen and I dont have to live with my parents forever.  Thanks

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