Single Parents

$100 check is it? (long sorry...)

XH has orders not to contact me now bc he parked outside of my parents house (where I have been living) for hours and would not leave and I have had to file harassment charges on him bc he was blowing up my phone so much. I changed my number, blocked him from my networking sites, changed my email, etc. Now he is trying to contact me through my mother via facebook telling her he is "so depressed" because I don't understand the relationship he has with his ex (who is now his current gf again who he cheated on me with and gave me her nasty std) and every time he has talked to me I have yelled at him because I don't care about his lifestyle choices. And all he wants to do is give me a HUNDRED dollar CHECK for baby stuff. In comparison to the THOUSANDS I have had to spend for extra medical bills bc when he was cheating on me gave me a std that could have caused pre-term labor. And now he is trying to play the victim in all of this like I am so horrible. I know my anger, stress and sadness is being projected on my LO and I have tried everything to relieve it by having a weekly spa visit, shopping for my DD, decorating her nursery, etc. But everything seems to remind me of how much he hurt me. Songs on the radio, clothing that looks like something he would wear, a shirt I wore on a day we went out together when I was blissfully ignorant, can all set me off. I haven't ever felt this out of control with my emotions. Can you help me figure out a way to ease this pain? Do I just need to let it all out and have on big sob fest with chocolates, ice cream, the works?



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