Single Parents

Do I have any say in this?

XH just informed me that he's moving into a 1-bedroom in a gang-heavy, craptastic neighborhood. If you were to ask me what the worst/scariest intersection in this city is, it would be the corner he is moving to. Gang shootings are regularly reported on the news. And a ONE-bedroom part - WTF??!! Overnights start next week! And this guy makes 70K+ per year. It's because Homewrecking Skankwhore lives around the corner, and they go out every night, so that's where his money is going. The apartment is also about 30 miles from my place. (His current apartment is about 5.)

I have sole legal custody. Can I do anything about this? I don't have my lawyer anymore, and couldn't afford to talk to her anyway. Jesus, I was already a nervous wreck.

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