Single Parents

Guess I'll say Hi here... widow

I was a single parent once before- I had my son when I was relatively young and raised him for 6 years on my own- got married when he was 6... My H adopted him and we had a daughter together, ups, downs, layoffs, dreams on hold, things started looking up and we were pregnant wtih our 3rd... had just found out baby was another girl... and we were thrust into the nightmare that would last about 10 months. My H had cancer- there was no cure and it was agressive. Neurological- attacked his spine, affected his ability to walk first, just got worse from there.

He was actually able to be there for the birth of our daughter, but with the seizures and whatnot, he only got to hold her a handful of times.

He passed away on Thanksgiving. My son was 13, daughter 5 and baby 5 mos...

SO- here I am, back to being a single parent... I've learned alot over the past 7 years... hopefully it's enough to help my kids thrive in spite of their "daddy issues"...

so there it is. Hi, I'm not exactly happy to be here, but I am in a way... I'm glad theres a place where others understand the trials of single parenting... reguardless of the why.

Brigit, Mom to Alex, Isabelle and Charlotte, Widow to Earl
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