Upstate NY Babies

Birth "plan" decision (ramble)

After being transverse for 10 weeks, Baby B (Natalie) decided she wants to be head down like her brother. I had mentally prepared myself for a c-section and my Dr even scheduled it. My old practice had lots of "crunchy" natural doctors who were anti c-section/anti induction etc. Thus resulting in a 31 hour labor with 3 hours of pushing being thiiiiis close to an emergency c-section with Justin.

My new Dr has always told me that if both babies are head down we could discuss a vaginal delivery but I am so scared of the "double whammy" of a long labor and then a c-section b/c of the high risk of twins. There's so much that can happen with positions changing, heart rates, placement of 2 cords, delivery in an operating room- I feel like I would be a nervous wreck. I confessed to her that although I'm scared of the recovery, I like the planned, controlled idea of the c-section. She told me she understands and will let me think about a plan. We're meeting Wednesday to talk about it.

I guess what I'm asking is; if you were in my position, what would you see as the pros and cons? I think only other moms/women can give input- I keep asking DH and he's like "it's your body sweetie, you're the one that has to deliver them so it's your call". ugh. no help.


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