Los Angeles Babies

Mommies who are also Actresses...

Hello, Mommies!

 I'm a first-time mom, who had a beautiful, baby boy, Noah, in November of 2010. I love being a Mommy, however, it's been pretty tough because it's just my husband & myself. My husband is wonderful, but I also need to have fellow friendships with other mothers while raising my son and my husband's at work. It's hard being a mom and not having other mothers close by to bond with and share stories & tips with. My parents, siblings, and most of my other relatives are all on the east coast. I don't have any friends locally, who also have babies close to my son's age of 3 months. 

 I've lived in L.A. for close to 7 yrs., & I performed for several years out here-doing mostly improvisational comedy (Bang, UCB, IO West). I'm currently a SAHM, but eventually want to head back out to audition and do improv again. I'm also currently searching for a new agent.

 I delivered at Cedars-Sinai and was in labor for 24 hrs. before I ended up having a C-Section. It wasn't part of the plan, and after 3 months of feeling like a "failure," I'm finally starting to feel better about the whole situation.

 I'm originally from Texas, and I lived in FL for close to 10 yrs before becoming an Angelino.

I'd love to meet moms who may share some similarities who may or may not have family nearby, or who want to go for strolls with our babies, who maybe also had an unplanned C-section, or who just want a friend to talk to. I live in West L.A. and would love to share Mommy stories. I'd also love to meet moms who want to work on creative things/projects pertaining to improvisation or acting & performing.

Oh and, you don't have to be an actress to contact me...

: )

Feel free to message me!




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