Upstate NY Babies

Friends messy divorce / 1 year old son

I have a childhood friend on FB.  Last summer she was supposed to move out west b/c her DH found a great job so she could be a SAHM.  She never went with them and someone told me she had been pulled over and found under the influence of drugs with her son in the car.

Then my friend started posting nasty stuff on FB about her DH, and has been weird too (cryptic etc).  Then she sends me an e-mail trashing him and telling me they are getting a divorce.  NEVER mentioning why or about the drugs.

I'm friends with the DH too on FB, and he has never once said a negative thing or anything relating to the divorce.  I know he has custody and a restraining order against the DW.

It is pretty obvious that she was unfit for custody if the court has not let her see her son for well over 6 months... but that's besides the point.

Anyway her DH had made a FB page for their son, and my friend has sent me several e-mails to delete the kid because it is the DH's page.  I didn't get around to it the night she sent it and the next morning she sent me another message just "BLOCK HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!".. so I did.. yet I get another e-mail this morning to do it.  If she's so concerned about FB, maybe she should have thought about it before she aired so much dirty laundry to hundreds of people, especially when she just happens to omit her wrongdoings.

At this point I feel like deleting them both.  I don't want to be dragged into this or stuck in the middle. Sad how things have come to this, and I just hope their poor kid ends up in a healthy environment.  Sorry, this is mostly a vent, the situation makes me sick and now I'm getting dragged into it.

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