June 2011 Moms

Need Advice on B Pump switcharoo! + mini vent

I realize I am a little late to the game, but I am trying to get my $94 breast pump from Target. Yesterday I purchased one at full price, and today I plan on returning it to one of the 2 stores in my area that have it on clearance.

So I was wondering if you girls that did the ol' switcharoo wouldn't mind telling me how you did it! I know quite a few of you did this, but cant remember the details, and to be honest, I am too lazy to go back and look through the old posts!

 As for my vent....

I went into Target to purchase my pump. I did not purchase anything else. I am getting checked out, and the girl ringing me up looks at me and says, "what is this that costs so much?" I sort of gave her a blank stare, as I was caught off guard and said "huh?"  She repeats herself, to which I whisper, "its a breast pump." She literally screams at me and says "ITS A WHAT??" like she couldn't hear me. So I told her again, "It's a freakin breast pump!" So she then starts rambling about how she couldnt believe it cost so much for something so stupid bla bla bla. I just stood there and horror, as the man behind me stood there and giggled.

People never cease to shock me.

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