Special Needs

SPD/Auditory/Anxiety/ADHD..what do YOU do to help?

My 3.5 y/o was evaluated and we had the big meeting on Friday.  He has SPD/Auditory Processing issues/ADHD/Anxiety and pressure issues, etc.  They grouped everythings under "developmental delay." 

What do you do in your home to help your child?  This is why I am asking:

When we met with the team, they gave examples of everything that THEY would be working on.  I understand that they will pull him from class every day to take him to this therapy.  (he is in school 2/5 hours---4 days a week) As a parent, I am grateful that THEY are helping to change behaviors or "fix" the issues, BUT I kept questioning what my HUBBY AND I can do to help him.  They just said "we'll send you home some info."  I kept questioning it and finally my son's teacher said "sometimes kids need time to not think...let home be that place...he does not have to think all the time.'  I get what she is saying...but it seems unsettling to me that I, my son's "first teacher", the person he sees the most every day, is unable to try to work with him myself on skills, etc.  I spent the weekend googling what I could, I requested 5 books from the library, etc.  I WANT to help my child and not just leave all the work for the people at his school.  Wouldn't it make sense to reinforce what he is learning at school at home?  I also need to learn ways and techniques to "deal" what what he has, so we can function in our home.  I still have another child (1.5 y/o) who seems to be put on the "back burner" b/c all my attention seems to go to my other son who cannot function without my constant attention.  I feel like I am constantly giving in to my 1st guy so we can exist in our home.

Any recommendations

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