Upstate NY Babies

What do you do?

I was lurking over on The Nest (Married Life) and there is a huge debate going on.  Someone gave their child a banana upon arrival at the grocery store.  Partly b/c he wanted one, partly to get him to sit in the cart.  Another customer made a comment to her about if she was going to pay for it or not.  Sometimes she does, sometimes she forgets.  Now it's turning into stealing vs. letting your kid eat in the grocery store vs. just bring them something from home vs. it's just a banana, get over it.

Does your LO snack while you grocery shop?  Is it given every time out of habit now or is it more of an as needed basis?  Have you ever snacked on produce while you shopped w/o paying for what you ate?  What do you do when s/he has a tantrum b/c you won't give them what they want?

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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