Upstate NY Babies

Group Nannying

Hi fellow moms/moms-to-be! Happy Valentines Day! I'm 20 weeks pregnant with my first (a boy!) and my husband and I couldn't be more thrilled. We are living in Westchester, and as advised by the many "checklists" out there, I recently started looking at childcare options. When I found out that even the local Y costs almost as much per month as our rent, my jaw dropped nearly to the ground! Um... no. That's not gonna happen.

My husband and I both have to work - staying home with our son longer than my three-month maternity leave is not an option, sadly. Add to that, my husband's hours have been cut at work, and our financial situation is precarious these days. Plus, I only get 70% of my salary while on maternity leave.  So needless to say, we'd better find an affordable alternative for when I have to return to work!

I was reading an article while waiting for my midwife appointment last week about "group nannying" and its growing popularity.  I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with this? Would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences, and how you found your group nanny and the other moms that participate.



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