Single Parents

Why do i do that to myself?

Why did i continue to read the whole story about a mom who had a baby, around B's age, who died from SIDS a few days ago? WHY DID I READ THE WHOLE THING? Im already terrified of the idea (which mom isnt) but im more terrified, for fighting this whole time to do this on my own, sacrificing so much so this little miracle to be born, just to think he might be taken from me one day. That would leave me alone, in this apartment that i bought just so B could have his own room. That i painted blue the day i found out i was having a boy. And that i overdrafted my bank account, so i could buy the top of the line baby items. Now, im not going to be able to sleep tonight. Great job sarah, go you.

I couldnt stop crying, and now B is giving me the side eye.


Santas little helper!

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