Cloth Diapering

Thirsties X-Small vs. Duo Wrap Size 1

I am not new to CD, but I didn't start with DS until he was 14 months old so DD will be my first time CDing a newborn. I think I've decided on buying 30 Indian prefolds, 2 Snappis, and 6 covers. But I can't decide whether I think the Thirsties x-small or duo wrap size 1 will be better. What are your thoughts or experiences on either one or both of these covers?


Extra info that may help:

  • * DS was 8 lbs, 5 oz at birth so I expect DD to also be on the normal to larger end of the spectrum (DH was 8 lbs at birth and I was 10 lbs, 8oz.)
  • * DS was about 10.5 lbs at 1 month and 13.5 lbs at 2 months.
  • * I am just trying to bridge the gap between birth and fitting into our bumGenius 4.0 pockets.
  • * I plan to EBF like I did with DS.


Thanks for your input!

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