Cloth Diapering

Stink and Diaper Pail Solution

For the past three months, I've been using a FB hanging diaper pail. In the past week or so, I've been noticing an odor. I don't know if it's that I'm not washing my diapers as often as before (I had a much smaller stash until about a month ago), or if there's some sort of issue with the bag itself, or that her overnight diapers are just stinkier (we used to change her all night long) or if she's just producing more waste now she's bigger.... or what.

But I'm trying to devise a new system that will help contain the stink a little more. i.e. a pail. 

However, it's nearly impossible to find a simple trash pail with a lid in my town. Does everyone seriously get $100 Simple Human stainless Steel monstrosities?  That's a whole other rant.

Ideally, I'd like to not have to buy new bags, but I don't know if I can use the hanging pail as a pail liner. Does anyone do this?

I also saw this video where the lady had attached her hanging pail to the inside liner of a wicker hamper with sewn-in carabeaners (sp?) but I don't know if that will help contain the smell or if it's just a lot of effort for the result. 

Anyway, if anyone has some advice or can point me in a direction, I'd really appreciate it. Sorry if this post is rambling -- I had to get up every hour last night to check on the baby because she took a little spill yesterday and has a big ol' bump on her noggin'.

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