Cloth Diapering

Considering cloth - A bunch of questions

I posted some of these on 3-6, but didn't get much of a response, so I thought I'd ask you ladies. :)

1) I want to do one of the trial periods where you get to try out several different kinds of diapers for a certain period of time. A friend sent me a link to a trial on, and I already knew about the one on Jillian's Drawers. Are there more? If you know about these types of programs, which one do you think is the best?

2) I work full time and day care won't do cloth. If you work and your DCP won't do cloth, what kind of diapers do you send to day care? And how many diapers do you have for home? Well, how many would one need to start?

3) I am SUPER lazy, so from the reading up I have done, I would think all in ones would be right for me, but at the same time, if there is one thing I am more than lazy, it's impatient, and I have heard that all in one's take forever to dry. If you can relate to either of those things, what type of CD would you recommend.

OK, so it was just three. Anything else I should know? I'd really appreciate your help. I may be joining your ranks soon. ;)

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