Cloth Diapering

GroVia and Fuzzibunz ... New here.

DD just started having issue with every kind of disposable imaginable, so we are abruptly starting CDing.

I've done quite a bit of research in the last few days on everything I can think of with CDing, but I'm having the most difficulty figuring out what diapers I REALLY will love. - I'm sure this is something that I just have to try different kinds to find out, but I still am going to ask opinions.

I'm not super comfortable with buying CD's online before I know how they are, and there aren't many places near me that sell CD's. My options are fairly limited, and from what I've found, I like the Fuzzibunz and GroVia the best (from actually seeing and feeling them at the stores here.)

What are your opinions on these two CD's? Pros and cons to both?


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