Cloth Diapering

NCDR: Update to my daycare whine

I posted last weekend about how upset I was that DS was going to daycare b/c I have to return to work.  DS started on Monday- when I picked him up he was filthy (spit up all over his clothing- including the back of his shirt!), he was playing alone on the floor and the teacher was on the other side of the room doing nothing- not interacting with the kids, and I brought his CD's home to realize that they didn't wipe him at all (no wipes in the bag!).  When I called the director said "Some teachers don't wipe at every diaper change.  I was so mad but decided to give them another shot.  On Tuesday, I went early again to pick him up and he was in a crib screaming and sweating. She told me that he was changed at 1:00 was sleeping at 1:05 ( I was there at 1:15).  I don't believe they ever got my kid to sleep in 5 minutes as it's NEVER happened in 6 months!  I honestly think they were letting him cry it out. The teacher also lied about something really silly- which makes me concerned that she'd lie to cover her own butt if something major happened.  

 After talking with DH we decided that he's going to take off the rest of the school year (he's a teacher).  He can request a child care leave of absence unpaid.  It's not worth it to me to have DS in a daycare that I'm not comfortable with.  We found a new center but they don't have an opening until May and we intended on keeping him home with DH for the summer anyway.  We're just going to start him in September.  I'm so relieved that DS doesn't have to go to daycare anymore and I can kiss my baby goodbye in my own home every morning!!!!  =)    On a CD related note- this means that I have to refrain from more purchases now that we're still living on just 1 income!  AHHHH!  

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