Cloth Diapering

Funny daycare story today

Our daycare is being really great. It is a school district daycare for kids of district staff.  Spots in these daycares fill up really fast, and they saved a spot for my baby at the beginning of the year.  Plus, they are using cloth diapers, while a few other district daycares said they wouldn't.

I was planning on providing just pocket diapers for them, but the director told me that they would use the prefolds & covers, too, if that's what I wanted. So I've been taking both types with us. For some reason, they've been using all the prefolds first (I figured it would be the other way around). 

Today was our 3rd day in daycare, so they are still learning, and when I took LO's diaper off this evening, I discovered a disaster waiting to happen! the prefold was not folded at all- they just set him on top of the rectangular diaper, pulled it between his legs, snappi'd it, and put a cover on. The diaper was sticking out the top and legs of the cover. It was hilarious, and I'm really glad the poop he'd just had was very small, so it didn't leak out. Anything more substantial would have totally leaked.

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