Cloth Diapering

NCDR: 20 week Ultrasound - gender but nervous news

So we went to our 20 week ultrasound on Monday. The tech said everything looked good, sizing was right (good due date) and we are having a BOY.


But then the happiness flew out of me when the doctor came in to say the stomach on one view was slightly larger than the normal range. She said this could mean that he just swallowed fluid and hasn't passed it yet but it could also indicate an issue. She said not to worry, but who doesn't worry when a doctor says "possible problem" and wants us back in 2 weeks.

So I'm excited about finding out we are Team Blue but nervously awaiting for our next appointment. My hope would be them saying everything is perfect at the next appt and then just allowing us another chance to see our baby boy and get more photos. 


But I post because I want to know if anyone has been through anything like this before.

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