Upstate NY Babies

For those having trouble finding a good thermometer

We found one last night that we really like and is actually accurate.

We bought it at Rite Aid (since that is the closest store to us now...but BRU probably has one like it too) and I think it's actually a store brand. Evan would not let us pull his ear out for the ear one we have, and I've heard from a few people that the temporal thermometers don't give accurate readings, the butt ones were a struggle (and I tossed them when we moved anyway)

My poor little guy had an over 103 temp last night (so probably most of the day) and we ended up calling the pediatrician. He refused to drink ANYTHING and finally we were able to get him to eat an apple around dinnertime and then a little yogurt later on.  No vomiting or diarrhea, no runny nose and very little coughing - usually when he's trying to eat. So I have no clue what's going on but he feels a little better today. He slept through the night and drank a ton of water when he got up.

This is basically the first time he's been sick - other than a minor cold here and there. He's never had a fever other than a slight few- probably from teething. I feel SO bad for him!!!!

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