
XP: NAR-Childcare tax credit dilemma

Totally not adoption related, but it have this on my mind this morn!

Ugh.  A little sitch came up this morning that got me thinking.  We have always claimed our daycare costs on our taxes.  I dont do our taxes, H handles all of that with our accountant, but I know that in the past we have claimed it.  I have NO idea what claiming it translates into when it comes to our actual refund, but we have an appt this Sat with our accountant.  Isaiah was in a daycare center from January 2010-June 2010.  Then he was home with me over the summer, and he started with his in home babysitter in August when I went back to work.  Anyhoo, H did some research and found out that even though he goes to a babysitter we can still claim the money we pay her, even if she doesnt claim it on her taxes and does it under the table.  So, I reminded my friend this morning that she needed to add up how much she paid her this year so she could claim the money.  She got all bent out of shape and said that our babysitter doesnt want us to claim it because she does it under the table.  The convo came up because I was going to ask for her SSN to put on my taxes.  She said that our babysitter wouldnt give it to us because she doesnt want it claimed.  You can still claim it without the SSN, but I am pretty sure you still have to list her name and address. H is adamant about claiming it.  I tried to ask him how much money it would translate into on our refund (we have paid her about 1500$ so far this year) and he couldnt tell me.  My friend said she doesnt feel comfortable claiming the money bc she doesnt want to write her name down.  H says, "guess what!  If it is going to get me a bigger refund I am claiming it, if it doesnt then we wont."


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