Cloth Diapering

I think it's time to part with my last GM...

I bought it soon after I found out I was pregnant with DS... I loved GMs on DD, so I figured I'd love them on DS too, and stocked up. Turns out I don't love them on him. I got rid of almost all of them a few months ago, but I held onto one just in case I changed my mind. Well, I haven't changed my mind, and it seems like GM resale values are through the roof right now, so I think it's a good time to sell it off.

It's a Speedway 500, NIP. I've been browsing Spots, the GM FB page, etc. but haven't seen any for sale recently. Any thoughts on what I should ask for it? I have no idea if it's HTF or totally common.

Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), and DD2 (July 2012)

My blogs:
Work. Life. Unbalanced (working mom stuff) ~ The Traveling Tots (traveling with kids) ~ Adventures of a Rookie Sewer (sewing/crafts) ~ Journey to Homebirth (homebirth and other childbirth-related stuff)

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