Cloth Diapering

Laundry woes

I'm a CD newbie and I'm having problems with my newbie's CD laundry.

We have a HE washer and very hard water. We currently use all free and clear, but I have also tried a load with woolite free and clear complete with a half a cap of calgon. We've had poop stains with either method. 

I generally do a short cycle on cold without detergent, followed by a complete cycle with a second rinse on hot/cold (I don't have a hot/hot setting, which is maddening). 

DS is EBF.

I have some Rockin Green in the mail on its way to me. Is it really that great?

Other than sun bleaching, which definitely works wonders, is there something we could do to make our routine more effective?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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