Upstate NY Babies

Buffalo Nanny/Daycare help (LONG!)

I thought I loved our daycare....until DS started.  Yesterday was his first day and when I picked him up he was filthy.  Spit up on the back of his shirt (who knows how that got there!), all down the front, on his pants, and on his socks.  I definitely would have changed him.  Also, since we're using cloth diapers we are also using cloth wipes.  I noticed yesterday that they didn't send any wipes home with him to be washed.  When I questioned it I was told "Some teachers don't wipe for every pee diaper".  WHAT!?  They lost a cap to his bottles (I understand this) and when I went there the teacher wasn't interacting with him or the other little boy in his class.  They were the only 2 kids there- DS was playing on the floor alone and the other little boy was in a highchair drinking a bottle.  We figured that we'd give them another shot so I spoke with the director and I thought I felt better about taking him in today.  When I picked him up he was screaming & sweating in his crib.  The teacher wasn't talking to him to calm him, nothing.  She said that he went down at 1:05- I was there at 1:15.  She said that his diaper was changed at 1pm and he was asleep alone by 1:05.  DS does not EVER go to sleep without being rocked or bounced.  I fear that she was letting him CIO in his crib- which is something we're against.  I'm just not impressed so we're on the search for another daycare or an in-home nanny.  At this point, I don't care what we have to long as he gets good care.  Any suggestions?
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