Upstate NY Babies

Eczema & flax oil update

I am putting flax oil on DD's skin daily and also giving her a little in some yogurt.  It took a while, and once in a while she has an outbreak, but it is amazing.  The pedi was really impressed and he said if it works, keep it up!  He said too that with eczema, there will always be flareups, people with eczema tend to have a lot of sensitivities (like to food).

I'm taking flax oil too now, I don't have eczema but I do think it is helping my skin a little plus it is great for cardiovascular health. And I'm making DH take it too!

How are you guys doing, if you were trying it?

(BTW - if you want to put it in your baby's food, make sure you read about it online as to how much/etc, or check with your pedi)

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