Cloth Diapering

Favorite diapers for an older toddler?

DD is pretty tall for her age and her thighs are getting a little thicker. She is on the loosest snap settings on most of our diapers now - the only ones that fit really well right now are our Blueberries and Thirsties duos. I have 2 BG 4.0s that still fit ok (loosest snap on the legs and 2nd on the waist) but it seems like all of a sudden we are starting to outgrow our diapers!

Our B4s and BSRBs still fit well but I am having trouble finding covers that fit and it's also much harder for DD to use the potty (occasionally haha) with all of those snaps/layers.

What diapers work with your older toddler? She is starting to become pretty interested in PLing so I don't want to spend a lot of $ on diapers we won't likely use for long.

ETA: We have some large sandy's that fit great and are easy to pull down/up for her but they aren't good for going out because we have no covers that come close to fitting over them.

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