Upstate NY Babies

What would you use on this face? skin sucks. My forehead is dry and flaky....but also gets oily. So bizarre. My cheeks and chin/jaw line get random pimples still, but not all the time. I do feel like I have red spots on my cheeks from past acne and broken vessels or something. Whenever I get a facial I ask about what to use and the people are useless! They don't even try and sell their high end crap!

I currently use an acne scrub (with salicylic acid) in the shower and Aveeno calming face lotion. 99% of the time I don't wash my face at night, but I don't wear makeup often either. I use something like clearasil on the acne if needed.

My biggest gripe right now is the flaky forehead....nothing keeps it moist!

Anyone else have problem skin? 

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