Upstate NY Babies

DH and I had it out last night

and it was all thanks to MelissaSue...haha! Well, not really - but I read her comment to my whine/vent and brought the whole "not leaving me with a car" issue up - which then turned into a "we might as well bring everything up" type of thing. As in - you are gone 11-12 hrs a day and I'm so sorry if at 10pm after the kids go to bed I don't have the energy to sweep the kitchen. And I can't believe you are so ungrateful after I work 11-12 hrs a day and then I have to sweep the kitchen or it won't get done...AND he said that when I was doing things like painting the living room before the party (staying up to 2-3am each night) that wasn't needed so it didn't really count - I should have been unpacking more in our bedroom or whatever. I think we both needed to feel appreciated or something. It was 99.9% because of stress/exhaustion from moving and throwing a birthday party two weeks later...and I think no matter what it would have happened. I seriously have issues with staying in so much over the winter - I also think I get that winter/no sun depression thing I was pretty upset.

End result? He is taking his own car on Thursday so I can take the kids to the thing I wanted to....and if he dies in a car crash then it will be my fault (yep, he put that in there)

BUT - Evan woke up with a fever this morning and he's looking pretty sick. SO - we probably won't go. But I hope the issue is settled and he can take his own freaking car ONE day a week so I can take the kids out.

I feel 20lbs lighter.

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