Cloth Diapering

FuzziBunz OS leaking-please help

Not sure what happened as I never had an issue until this week.  DD sleeps with us and I've been waking up 3 out of the last 4 mornings with a wet bed.  I don't know if they are leaking out the top or by the legs, but it is ridiculous.  I don't have issues except when she is sleeping (she sleeps mainly on her side).  Could I have them sized wrong?  She doesn't wet until the morning so it's not like there is a ton of pee.  I tried the larger inserts but still leaking.  The legs aren't too loose, if anything they are too tight.  Could that be the issue?  Any advice is appreciated.  We have 24 of them and spent a lot of money.  I've loved them until now :(
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