September 2011 Moms

Due date's been adjusted... a little bummed :/

Hey everyone

Well I had my first ultrasound on Thurs 02/03 and as I said before it was performed by a tech at an imaging center and I had to wait to hear back from the doctor.

Got a message from the doctor today that on that date I was measuring 8wks and 1 day, rather than the 9w4d I thought I was.  So basically I lost 10 days.  She said my due date should be adjusted to Sept. 14th (It was previously Sept. 4th based on LMP)

First of all I'm a little confused because I always had such regular periods and they were always around 27-28 days, so it's a little suprising that I could be off by that much .... But at the same time, I wasn't charting or anything so who knows.  Plus, the holidays were coming up so maybe I stressed a bit and delayed ovulation... hard to know.  One thing that's strange though is that I was having cramping around the time I thought my period was due, but if it wasn't even due for another week, why would I be having cramping, whether it was PMS symptoms or implantation cramping -- isn't that too early for either if my cycle really was that much longer than I thought? I dont know... I'm just overanalyzing I'm sure, but the doctor says everything looked good so I guess I shouldn't bother worrying about it...

But then again -- Now that I think about it, I guess it makes sense that it's a little off since it took so long after when I thought my period was due to get a BFP... I didn't get a BFP until around 6 days after I expected my period to start, AND it was a faint line... so I guess it does make sense...

I don't know I guess I'm just a little bummed that it got set back, but ultimately I'm happy to hear that everything looks good, so I'm not going to complain anymore!  Guess I've been demoted from Prune back down to Raspberry!

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