
whooping cough - opinions

My DS is just finishing treatment today for an upper respiratory infection that gave him a real bad hard wet cough, facial pain and misery. My DD just turned 4 and had a sneeze and dry cough here and there during the first part of his sickness but nothing much else. Last night she had 2 back to back coughing fits when laying in bed trying to go sleep which were dry coughs straight for about 15 seconds followed by high pitched wheeze in. Two times back to back. Then a few more dry coughs then sleep. She had the same thing happen this morning soon after coming downstairs while sitting. Since then she's had the dry coughs and sneezes here and there but has coughed several times where it ended in a choke type sound. And then will sound like she has a frog in her throat a bit after. She sounds more congested in her chest than head but her breathing sounds normal, no wheeze except those times she's had the episodes.

Am I overreacting to think of taking her to Dr for whooping cough test?

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