Cloth Diapering

how many diapers to bring to birth center?

So, I definitely want to CD this baby right from the start.  The minimum stay at the birth center if both mom and baby are fine is 4-6 hours.  Depending on what time of day I give birth and how I feel, I'm not exactly sure how long I'll be there but at least 4-6 hours and maybe up to 8 hours if all goes well.

So, how many diapers should I bring with me?  I was thinking 4 fitteds and 2 prefolds just in case something happens and we have to stay longer.  Is that overkill?  I just want to make sure we have enough so we don't have to use disposables. 

For those who brought cloth to the birth center or hospital, how many did you use in a 6-8 hour period? 

image Ethan 12.31.07 Lillian 4.1.11
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