Cloth Diapering

Not CD related...

This isn't CD related but since this is more of my "home board" I figured I can turn to you ladies.  DS is almost 6 months old.  I took a personal leave of absence after my maternity leave so I could stay home with him.  I am going back to work in 1 week so we decided to let DS start daycare tomorrow in order to adjust.  I just sobbed while rocking him to bed.  I am dreading dropping him off tomorrow.  He's only going 1/2 day but I seriously feel like I'm abandoning him.  In my head, I know that he's going to be fine.  He's going to have fun with the new toys, seeing other kids, and the teachers seem really nice.  In my heart, I feel so guilty that he has to be a "daycare kid"; I wish I could stay home with him but it's just not possible if we want to have any "extras".  I hate this.  UGH!  On a somewhat CD related note....DH must have felt bad that I was crying because he stuffed our diapers while I was rocking DS!!!  
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