Cloth Diapering

hybrid options

We visited a cloth diaper store this weekend, well it was an open house at a wearhouse because there is not anywhere local to go get a hands on experience. We have decided we would like to cloth diaper once he is out of newborns, should he be small enough for newborns (or at least until the cord falls off). From the ones she showed us, my DH felt the most comfortable with the hybrid system. We liked the GroVia all in ones, so with that info, what do you ladies like? I am rather new new at all this but I have read the FAQ on here and have been trying to get plenty of reading time so I think I know what we are in for but would like to know other options. TIA just in case I don't get computer time this week (we were out of school 4 days last week).
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear" -E.E. Cummings (In Memory of Baby Beluga 3-21-10)
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