Cloth Diapering

New to Board, but not CDing - Actual Clothes Question

We have been going strong with cloth diapers for awhile.  I love them.  However, we are having issues finding clothes that fit. 

He is almost 20lbs and over 27 inches long, so he is rather large for a 4.5 month old.  Add in the CDs and he is even bigger.  We were doing okay with clothes for awhile because we just went up in sizes. (He's been in 9-month sleepers for the last month.)  However, he is barely fitting into 6-12 month clothes even without the CDs.   The 12-month sleepers are too lean for his chubby tummy and CD bum.  I feel like the clothes makers assume that most babies have leaned out by 12 months and there is nothing for super chubby, younger babies.     

Any recommendations for good brands that fit CD bums and larger babies? 

I cannot wait for it to warm up, so I can just put him in a CD and a shirt.  

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