Cloth Diapering

Ecover detergent...ewwwwwwww

So last week, I realized my n00b mistake of using my homemade detergent with Fels Naptha on our CD. I went to Whole Foods to pick up something CD safe & decided to go with Ecover. As soon as I opened it, I realized it smelled like lavendar (I HATE floral scents, but usually I can live with lavendar). After washing our dipes, the most disgustingly strong perfume-y smell wafted out of the washer. I re-washed with no detergent 3 times, but the stink lingered. When DH changed the baby the next time he said "why do the dipes smell like old people??" It is so strong and so grody. I can't wait until my Rockin' Green order gets here!! (Typing on phone - sorry for no paragraphs)
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