Cloth Diapering

Newbie here in need of advice!

Hi there ladies! I'm new here to the cd board, but am super excited to start learning more about cd'ing!  It seems very overwhelming right now, as there are so many different opinions, options, etc... Unlike sposies that you spend $15 on a pack and if you don't like them you don't buy them anymore, you can't really do that with cloth. 

What I am looking for in a cloth diaper is this:

1) Leak free, good absorption 

2) User friendly, so that when my family watches my lo, they won't be intimidated by a complicated diaper

3) ONE BRAND so that I don't have 5 different diapers, where some require inserts, and some don't (that would get too confusing for my hubby to remember which ones need what!)

4) Good price (though I'd pay more if I had a really convincing reason why)

5) Of course their cuteness is important as well, as I'll have a summer baby that will probably showing of his/her cd's a lot!

Currently, I'm leaning towards the all in one diapers, instead of the fitteds, simply because they seem more economic.  However do they work as well for leaks?


I'm sure these questions have been asked 1,000's of times on here before, but if you good just help give me ANY advice on where to start, I would really appreciate it! TIA!!!

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