Cloth Diapering

Gah! Help me know what to do!

Good afternoon all! I have been lurking this board for weeks, I attended a cloth diapering info session, and have spent countless hours researching my options online. All that and I still can't decide which way to go with the diapers. I'm trying to make this as cost effective as possible and also trying to be as convenient as possible. I had previously decided to go with mostly pocket diapers (BG and Fuzzibunz) but I don't want to buy a bunch of different sizes which if I buy 24-36 of each would be more expensive than using disposables. Then there are one sizes which I hear are not good for newborns so then I would buy the one size diapers plus some for the newborn stage. The problem I have with that is that the newborn ones that I have seen go to 10lbs and then smalls are usually 10lbs+. DD was 8lbs8oz when she was born and from what I hear, second babies are usually larger so if I buy newborn diapers, they will only be good for two weeks. That seems like a waste of money to me. I could go with cheaper prefolds to start but then the decision of whether to get newborn or small prefolds and covers has me baffled. I want to start collecting now so that its not such a huge upfront cost but I can't collect if I can't make a decision. HELP! 
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