Cloth Diapering

My fiance discovered PUL last night. lol!

I finally got around to running to the fabric store with my coupons to buy some PUL on thursday, and I bought 2 yards. I've been miserable with a head cold so I haven't gotten around to making my covers yet, but I was discussing it with my fiance last night and I took the PUL out of the bag just to look at it. His eyes got really wide and he snatched it out of my hands really quick exclaiming "woaahhh.. so THIS is that PUL stuff?" His 'woah' expression quickly turned to a mischievous grin and he grabbed the straw out of my water bottle and dumped a bit of water on the laminated side. His response? "Cool!" lol. Typical male.. has to 'test' everything that comes through the front door. He is too funny!
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